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Thursday, April 22, 2010

cartoon snow annoys me

when i was a small innocent little kid, and i never saw snow before, i alwasy watched those awesome carttoons where these kids would thow small soft fluffy snow ateach other. i though snow was naice and soft and fluffy, and u could takeit home and put it into the freezer to keep it. and that it was really easy to make a snowman and a snow angel, and you would see snowflakes falling wherever you went.

well no.

the first time i saw 'snow' was in china but ti wasnt as cold that winter and there were just peices of slippery ice scattered ecerywhere.

the 2nd time i saw snow was when to tasmania. or somthing..

it was soo pretty from inside of the car. it looked so perfect.

and when i got there, there were retarded snow mobiles sooming everywheres and leaving a horrible black mark behind and alos this horrible petrolish smell. but it was still fun. xcept i didnt see snoflakes. and wen me and my bro tried to snowball fight each other it failed. in those cartonns, those kids just seemed to scoop it up effortlssly and whne it hit the other person, it splatted everywhere. when my bro threw a snowball, i looked at it and there were peices or horrbiel icce. and it didnt splat. its jujst kind of dropped to the ground.

my other snw experience were more horrible bcos if somehintg of global woarming or somehing. the rest of the snow i saw where really icy, and the more i saw snow, the less it snowd, so it wasnt fluffy,. it was icy.

the last time i went skiing, it was almost like comletely ice. so then the snow skiing branch people turned on those fake snow d whne u skiid, u could hear the bits of icy rubbing against the ski thing. it wasnt cool.


  1. OMG yess i felt exactly the samee ive only seen snow once but it was just like ice and i was like WTF wats so good about this but it was still fun but it was sooo hard to make a snowmann (:
